So we finally finished up the big gothic windows. The project took much longer then I initially suspected. You'd think spending almost the entirety of the summer on one project would have prepared me for longer projects like this, but I was definitely ready to move to the next set piece as soon as possible after taking so much time on these guys.
Even more layering occurred around the outside of the window to give it more sopport and a nice finished look. To make the plywood bend around the top we used two layers of easily bendable 1/4 inch ply and layer of 3/4 ply with relief cuts to allow it to take the curve.
We also spent sometime using the hot wire cutter to cut the foam around the insides of the more ornate parts, giving us the relief angle the designer called for.
And after we spent all that time sanding and making them pretty, the paints crew comes in and adds texture and aging effect to cover up the craftsmanship, but you get use to this sorta thing in theatre.
So now I'm working across the street loading House Of Spirits into the Space theatre. I'll try to take some pictures of the process though it's already under way.