Sunday, August 8, 2010

Recycling The Tracks

After the rough country pieces, I went to work on the more finely crafted french windows. The initial plan was to use sugar pine, which has a smoother, tighter grain then scots-pine, but upon seeing our used stock, I suggested using up some of the oak we had left over from automation track.

If you look at the bottom of the window you can see the dado cuts we made in the oak to use it for tracking scenery. but with no one being able to see the back of the windows, it was okay to build with it.

Before I start I project, I usually ask "Do you want this built the nice professional way, or the fast theatrical way?" In this case, the boss went for the nicer way, which gave me a chance to us contrasting router bits for my joinery.

The final product turned out very clean and stiff looking and very much in contrast to the country pieces. This will help split up the many scene changes in the show.