Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Layout

So I've been doing some of the final projects for 39 Steps, including some reworking of already built stuff for design changes, I figured now is a good time to show you the layout of the shops here.

The building itself used to be a tramway station, which is kinda perfect for us and our need for plenty of space. Our scene shop is basically just one massive room, but you could say it's spilt into three main areas.

The metal shop shop has everything you need to do any machining or structure work. It also has tools for blacksmithing, since our Technical Director is a practicing blacksmith.

The wood shop has about two of everything you need to do... well anything. That's my desk on the left there. I figured if I set up in the wood shop they'll give me the wood projects.

Then the rest is just a massive space for setting-up scenery. We're getting close to load in, so the space is getting more and more limited. You can see the garage doors in the back where we load out.

The big room next to us is the paint shop. They got a nice bounce floor they can staple to for big drops such as this. Basically, after we build it, we bring it here to be painted.

The props shop is split in three sections as well. This is the furniture shop where they do the more detailed wood work.

This is the crafts shop where they do the fun stuff like fake food, severed heads, knick knacks and so on.

And then there is the fabric shop where the upholsterers do their thing.

The name of this blog came from a sign posted on the way into the scene shop, and it stands as a very true statement. I'd dare say we could build just about anything in this place. Not a bad gig at all.
